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What does a BCHE membership include?

In addition to a great network of homeschool families' ideas, resources, and excellent information about your child's education, your membership fees will allow you access to the BCHE Co-op, kindergarten and high school graduations, age-appropriate clubs, and exciting educational field trips.  BCHE members also have fun members' events like parties for the kids, middle and high school social events, parent activities like bunco night, and more - all powered by the amazing homeschool parents that make up BCHE!

Upcoming Public Events

Park Day
October 17 - Thursday
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM
4H Homeschool Group
October 17 - Thursday
02:30 PM - 04:00 PM
Park Day
October 24 - Thursday
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Welcome to BCHE!

Contact Us!