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Enrichment Co-op Information


Location: Meadowview Baptist, 10715 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd, Georgetown, TN 37336

Meeting Day : Wednesdays, 9:30 to 12:30

Registration Opens: Monday, June 3rd , 9PM for Teachers; Tuesday, June 11th, 9 PM, for all families

Mandatory Orientation: September 11th, 2024, 9:30 AM (This will be a shortened version of a regular co-op day and it's usually done by 11:30)

Fall Dates: September 18th– November 13th; Fall Break: October 9th (Make-up day: November 20th)

Spring Dates: February 5th – April 2nd; Spring Break: March 12th (Make-up day: April 9th)


3 & 4 YEAR OLDS: Tools and how to use them, Nursery Rhymes, Why should we eat the rainbow?, Playing with Playdough, Arthropods

KINDER: Around our town, Weather and seasons, Bugs!, Why should we eat the rainbow, Life Cycle of butterflies and frogs, Tools and how to use them.

1ST/2ND: Healthy Kids, All across Asia, Time and Money, Amazon Jungle cruise, Habitats of the world, Birds of Tennessee

3RD/4TH: Surviving Epic disasters, Exploring the sciences, Music and Instruments: Peter and the Wolf, The Elements, Exploring Earth's ecosystems, Vocab & Spelling words

5TH/6TH: Writing Skills, Knot Tying, Self Defense, US States and Geography, Art of Cooking, Amazing and Weird History, Self Defense.


YEAR LONG CLASSES: Election Principles & Applications, 

SEMESTER LONG CLASSES: Digging up the past: archeology, Public Speaking, Mapping the Wrold through exploration, Writing Workshop, Public Speaking, Personal Finance, Comic Strip Creation.

(Middle School students will choose from the available classes but will not be able to take all classes)

Please keep in mind that classes being offered may change. 


  1. Become a BCHE member or renew your membership after May 1st. 
  2. Fill out a Co-op Letter of Commitment by June 7th (one per enrichment age student)
  3. Register on the appropriate date (Teachers - June 3rd, General – June 11th)

Cost: We try to keep the cost of co-op as close as possible to $25/30 per child, per semester plus any special supply fees that a teacher might require. Parents will know of any extra fees that a class may require by the time of registration.

Payment deadlines: Payment for both sessions are due at the time of registration through Paypal. If payment is made by check, please email Lea Myers at [email protected] and give the check to Lea within 24 hours or the registration will be cancelled so that we can offer that spot to another student.

Refunds: There are no refunds if you decide to cancel your registration.

If you have any further questions in regards to the enrichment co-op, please contact Tara Cory at [email protected]