Local Resources Outside of BCHE
Here are some of the fun, educational, and extracurricular opportunities that are available in the Bradley County/Cleveland area:
Support Groups and Co-ops:
- CSTHEA - Chattanooga Southeast Home Educators Association
- https://www.csthea.org/
- Support group for the larger Chattanooga area. $20 for family membership.
- CCHEA - Cleveland Christian Homeschool Enrichment Adventures
- Contact Kim Wright or Melissa Johnson
- [email protected]
- Meets on Monday mornings, alternating co-op and field trips.
- Blue Willow Tutorial
- https://www.bluewillowtutorial.com/
- Grades K-8th, meets Mondays-Thursdays
- Meets at Double Springs Baptist Church in Athens
- Bradley Beta Club Co-op
- Grades PreK-12th, meets on Fridays
- Contact Melanie James at [email protected]
- Speak to Lead
- A Speech and Debate Classical Humanities Co-op, grades K-12. Meets on Fridays. For more information - [email protected], speaktoleaddebate.wixsite.com/homeschool
- Courtyard Classical Academy
- Homeschool Tutoring Program in the Classical Style
- Dr. Coral Norwood, Program Director
- For more information - [email protected] or (423) 310-1478
- Classical Conversations of Greater Cleveland
- Classical Style Co-op. Meets Tuesdays at Meadowview Baptist. Grades K-12.
- Sandi Terry, director
- For more info - [email protected]
Educational Opportunities:
- Woodsong Forest School
- www.woodsongschool.org
- Woodsong is a nature based school for children ages 3-12 located at Johnston Woods. They have homeschool enrichment class on Mondays and Wednesday
- Hilger Higher Learning
- www.hhlearning.com
- K-12 Homeschool Classes in Chattanooga on Mondays-Thursdays
- Michaels Homeschool Academy
- www.michaelshac.com
- K-12 Homeschool Classes in Chattanooga on Mondays-Thursdays
- Veritas Classical Schools
- www.veritasschools.com
- K-12 Homeschool Classes in Chattanooga on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Bradley Knights Sports Co-op
- www.bradleyknights.org
- Deken Fowler, director and coach
- Middle School/High School sports including track, cross-country, baseball, football, basketball, volleyball and cheerleading for boys and girls.
- Patriots Athletics (CSTHEA)
- Randy Evans, Athletic Director
- [email protected]
- www.csthea.org/patriots-athletics.html
- Legacy Martial Arts of Cleveland
- Homeschool Class for all ages on Fridays 2:00-4:00
- www.legacymartialartsofcleveland.org
- YMCA Cleveland
- Homeschool Swim classes for all ages
- Classes on Wednesday mornings/afternoons
- Contact Autumn Fryer at [email protected]
- Gymnastics Center of Chattanooga at Cleveland
- [email protected]
- (423) 790-1133
- http://www.gccgymnastics.com/
- Unity Dance Studios
- https://www.unitydancestudios.com/
- Offers homeschool classes at both the Cleveland and Ooltewah locations on Wednesdays and Thursdays
Art, Music, and Drama:
- Avery’s Art & Jewelry - The Eager Beader
- Avery McNeese, owner and homeschool dad
- [email protected]
- 423-473-9500
- Art classes for all ages
- Uniquely Creative Art Studio
- www.uniquelycreativeart.com
- Tonia Anderson, teacher
- [email protected]m or (423) 645-2872
- Offers homeschool art classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for grades 1-12th
- Homeschool Music Class with Ms. Jackie
- www.homeschoolmusicclass.com
- Jackie Shellenbarger, [email protected] or 423-762-3382
- Classes for all grades, in person and online
- Kindermusik with Dee
- Phone: (423) 339-3939
- Visit www.kindermusikwithdee.com
- Email: [email protected]
- Classes Available ages 0-7
- Bluebird Violin Studio
- Shawna Dose, owner and teacher
- [email protected]
- Visit www.bluebirdviolinstudio.com
- Group or Indvidual classes for all ages
- Davy H Music Studio
- http://dayvh.com/music
- [email protected]
- (423) 458-2493
- The Homeschool Players
- A drama troupe that is part of CSTHEA, involves weekly classes/rehearsals. For grades 9-12th
- The Homeschool Players
- Homeschool Shakespeare Troupe
- Contact Joyce Mcpherson at [email protected]
- HST is a group of overly ambitious kids who produce and perform Shakespeare in a week. Our performances are free, our rehearsing is brief, our sets are simplistic, and our community is incredible
Misc. Groups:
- 4-H Bradley County
- www.bradley.tennessee.edu/homeschool-club
- Grades 4-12 Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Contact Hannah Goodson at [email protected]
- Wild & Free Nature Group
- www.bewildandfree.org
- There are multiple local groups in the Cleveland/Chattanooga and Athens area.
- Hidden Hills Farm & Saddle Club
- Horse riding lessons and farm play days
- www.hiddenhillsfarm.com
- Cleveland Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol
- Email: [email protected], Facebook Group
- 4100 Michigan Avenue, Cleveland, TN
- For ages 12-18
- While not specifically for homeschoolers, there are a large number of homeschool kids that have joined.
- Bradley Beta Homeschool Club
- Homeschool group with the National Beta Club
- For 4th-12th graders
- Contact Melanie James for more info at [email protected]
- Informational Letter
- Bryan College
- www.bryan.edu
- Pat Wesolowski, Homeschool Coordinator
- [email protected] or (850) 212-1232
- Cleveland State Community College
- www.clevelandstatecc.edu
- Rachel Scruggs, Dual Enrollment Coordinator
- [email protected]
- Lee University
- www.leeuniversity.edu
- Emily Makowski, Dual Enrollment Coordinator
- [email protected]